And Re:
… A quarter of a century on from Desert Storm, calls are being made for more research into Gulf War Syndrome. …
Consensus will never be reached in modern civilization(mc) on this and
related similar issues because the framework: A society of specialists
and their present state of knowledge is imperfect!
Anchored in mc's idioms, people will never see the truth!
There is the famous Goedel's Axiom of Choice: Given a set of mutually
exclusive non-empty sets, another set can be constructed which contains
one element from each of these sets! Thus the facts are such that the
phenomena are interconnected! This in mc's idioms can neither be
proved nor disproved!
You must view mc from a higher framework consisting of the following assumptions:
There is true knowledge, learn thou it is this:
To see one changeless life in all the lives, in the separate the one inseparable.
There is imperfect knowledge: To see the separate existences apart and hold it to be true.
There is false knowledge: To cling to one as if it were all, heedless of
the harm, heedless of the consequences, narrow and dull and dark.
Thus the reality is that everything is rigidly interconnected(The principle of perfect design).
The contamination created by mc is all pervading and mc is self destructive and destructive of all life.
Stop modern civilization based on falsehood in its tracks and deliberate
to design a normal way which imitates nature beyond understanding.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
R. Ashok Kumar, B.E.,M.E.,Negentropist, Bombay
Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.
© 2016 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar
The ethical basis of the contamination of the
environment which results from an unavoidable by-product of civilian nuclear
power, military nuclear weapons testing and the use of Uranium weapons.
The consequent detriment to human health makes the ethical
justification of these activities in modern civilization impossible in all but
the most extreme cases (medical interventions, research and technological uses
of radiation). If the nuclear industry and the military and thus modern
civilization are to continue within a sound ethical framework serious questions
need to be addressed and those who will suffer its health consequences need to be
informed and consulted to a far greater extent than they ever have been. This
is a political matter since it is assumed in a democracy the electorate or
their representatives have access to the best information. In the case of radiation
risk, the electorate and their representatives have no access to accurate
information on the effects of these processes and the contamination of their
bodies or its consequence.
Parliamentary democracy fails under these
“In many
instances it is the environmental destruction that appals citizens, but that
they nevertheless find difficult to reverse. This results from the universal intellectual
domination of the ethic of capitalism, an economic system which, to paraphrase
Wilde, knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. As Midgley
points out, rationality is no longer an adequate discourse for justifying human
activity. Its limitations are made clear by the conclusion implicit in
policy-making that while children will inevitably die from leukemia as a result
of radioactive discharges, causality will be denied and in any case their
numbers are ‘absolutely small’ and therefore not worthy of consideration. The
moral bankruptcy of such a justification is intuitively apparent. If we broaden
our conception of value beyond that which exists within the economic
growth-driven world system it becomes clear that far from being too cheap to
meter, civilian nuclear power is in fact too costly to permit.”(Ref 1)
The question of the systematic increases of medium
and very long-lived radionuclides in the environment from military-associated
(weapons tests, Uranium weapons) and modern
civilization( dams and their destruction of Fukushima Daichi and consequent
extermination of all infants perhaps by 2028) has never been justified(Ref 2) and
therefore could
be taken to be beyond the framework of any ethical
system, including
utilitarianism. Owing to the cross-border and
indiscriminate nature of the
contamination it should be considered to be a
universal crime against humanity and indeed of all life, like of the type
discussed at Nuremberg following World War II.
It follows, by application of the precautionary
principle, that modern civilization is the biggest terrorist and development
within it must be banned by mutual consultation with the people in a framework
of awareness building of truth and thereafter a referendum(s).
Ref: 1. 2010 Recommendations of the ECRR
The Health Effects of Exposure to Low Doses of Ionizing
Regulators' Edition Edited by Chris Busby with Rosalie Bertell, Inge Schmitz-Feuerhake, Molly Scott Cato and Alexey Yablokov. Published
on behalf of the European Committee on Radiation Risk Green Audit 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
23 Million Indian Infant Mortalities
in the Nuclear Age compared to the Pre-nuclear Era due to Progressive
degeneration of the Gene Pool.
By R. Ashok
Kumar,B.E.,M.E., Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana
Chowk, Mumbai-400007.
© 2018-2019 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar
NB: Right click on the Figures and Table and view the link on a separate tab.
NB: Right click on the Figures and Table and view the link on a separate tab.
"deactivation" of the physical landscape in the Zone—the digging up
of earth and trees and houses and their (haphazard) burial as nuclear
waste—also have this quasi-Gogolian sense: they are ordinary human activities
gone terribly berserk.”-Quote from Translator Keith Gessen’s Preface to Alexievich.2005.
mortality for India and the World and the role played by atmospheric nuclear
tests is examined with regard to Sr-90 cumulative deposits in the world.
Relative to the pre-nuclear years, the excess infant mortality for India and
the world are 23 million and 100 million respectively in the nuclear years 1945
to 1999. Progressive degeneration of the gene pool is measured by means of
dramatic changes in 1) the running 22 year correlations for India and for the World 17 year correlations of the
annual infant mortality rates and the corresponding cumulative annual deposits
of the Sr-90 radionuclide during 1945 to 1999 and 2) the rate of change of
Sr-90 deposit with annual excess infant mortality rate over the compound
interest rate 1911/1999 as a function of the cumulative Sr-90 deposits. It is
found that in line with the scientifically established fact of Sr-90 causing
genetic damage, there is a distinctly significant degeneration of the genes
during the nuclear era as seen by identical percentage changes in the excess
infant mortality rate for the World and India. While the UN data for the world
fails to show the Chernobyl effect on infant mortality, the effect is seen
clearly for the All India official data.
The paper also shows that all Indian babies born from 2028-2029 onward will be dead due to Fukushima contamination according to a scenario similar to the Atmospheric nuclear tests for the Annual Worldwide Cumulative Sr-90 deposit from 2011 onwards.
Key words: Sr-90 deposit rate, Infant Mortality Rate, Gene pool deterioration
The paper also shows that all Indian babies born from 2028-2029 onward will be dead due to Fukushima contamination according to a scenario similar to the Atmospheric nuclear tests for the Annual Worldwide Cumulative Sr-90 deposit from 2011 onwards.
Key words: Sr-90 deposit rate, Infant Mortality Rate, Gene pool deterioration
1. A Scientific Estimate of infant
The time
series of infant mortality is shown in Figure 1 below:
1.1 The Nuclear
Era India Excess Infant Mortality over the pre-nuclear rate was 23 million between 1945 to 1989. Details are
in Table IEIM:
2. A similar
analysis for the world infant mortality 1950-1989 due to nuclear activities
reveals an estimate of around 100 million excess infant deaths over the world pre-nuclear
infant mortality rate.
For this estimate, the Infant Mortality Rate for the World for 1911 was taken as 160 per 1000 live births for computing the compound interest rate 1911/1999(Data from references 2.2, 3 and 4).
For this estimate, the Infant Mortality Rate for the World for 1911 was taken as 160 per 1000 live births for computing the compound interest rate 1911/1999(Data from references 2.2, 3 and 4).
percentage terms the world infant mortality rate, as a chi-sq distribution
shows, is identical to the India infant mortality rate during the nuclear era
as shown in Figure 1.
3. A study of the progressive
deterioration in the gene pool in the nuclear era.
As the nuclear era progressed, worldwide Sr-90 deposits due to
atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons and other nuclear activities accumulated.
study of the running correlation between the
annual cumulative Sr-90 deposits due to Atmospheric Tests of Nuclear
Weapons and the annual infant mortality rate showed that the
statistically significant negative correlation progressively improved to
significant positive correlation, both for India and worldwide as
brought out
in Figure 2 and Figure 3.I repeat now:
A study of the running correlation between the annual cumulative Sr-90 deposits due to Atmospheric Tests of Nuclear Weapons and the Annual Infant Mortality Rate showed that the statistically significant negative correlation progressively improved to statistically significant positive correlation, both for India and Worldwide as brought out in Figures 2 and 3.
3.1 The relationship
between World Cumulative Annual Sr-90 Deposit due to Atmospheric Tests of
Nuclear Weapons and World and India Annual Infant Mortality Rates is shown
below in Figure 4:
3.2 A
sensitivity measure of Infant Mortality to Cumulative Annual Sr-90 deposit due
to atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons.
The rate of
change of cumulative annual Sr-90 deposit per unit change in the excess annual infant mortality rate reveals how the genes may have deteriorated during the nuclear era 1945
to 1999 and beyond (See Figure 6 below along with Figure 4CH24 above):
3.2.1 Double valued sensitivity and its
dynamics during the nuclear era
Referring to
Figure 6, during the period 1945 to 1966, the change in the Cumulative annual
Sr-90 deposit needed to change the annual excess infant mortality rate by a unit
amount was higher than in the period 1966 to 1999 when the Annual cumulative Sr-90 deposit was reducing. This is because during 1945 to 1966, genetic
damage due to nuclear activities was in the process of penetrating the world
population and reached a peak in 1966, as atmospheric nuclear tests were banned
in some nuclear countries with effect from October 1963. The genetic damage
which penetrated all the concerned genes needed a much lesser amount of change
in the cumulative Sr-90 deposit to bring about a unit change in the annual excess infant
mortality rate during 1966 to 1999 and probably beyond. Note that for the
Indian sensitivity, the Chernobyl impact is clearly seen. The Table SSSSr-90 below quantifies the progressive deterioration in the gene pool by comparing the averages of the effect of Sr-90 contamination on infant mortality.The correlation between the rate of change for the world and India show that less than 2 percent of the variations remain to be explained between 1951 and 1983(r= 0.99, df= 31, p = 9.24E-29, r^2= 0.98239. The chi-square distribution: Chi-sq sum = 12.63542719, df =30, p =0.997724. The Table SSSSr-90 below quantifies the progressive deterioration in the gene pool by comparing the averages of the effect of Sr-90 contamination on infant mortality.The correlation between the rate of change for the world and India show that less than 2 percent of the variations remain to be explained between 1951 and 1983(r= 0.99, df= 31, p = 9.24E-29, r^2= 0.98239. The chi-square distribution: Chi-sq sum = 12.63542719, df =30, p =0.997724.
Thus the two data sets can be replaced by one another.
The progressive deterioration in the gene pool
of mankind is shown by the running correlation between the cumulative annual
Sr-90 deposit due to atmospheric nuclear tests and World IMR and India IMR (Figures
3 and 4 above) and also by the significant difference between the sensitivity
as measured by the rate of change of annual cumulative Sr-90 deposit to annual excess infant mortality rate both for the world
and India(Figure 6).
3 .2.2 Some further
details of the dynamics of sensitivity of infant mortality.
See Figure 27Ch27 below for the time series of India and world infant mortality parameters and world Cumulative Sr-90 deposit:
See Figure 27Ch27 below for the time series of India and world infant mortality parameters and world Cumulative Sr-90 deposit:
In Figure
27Ch27 above, the actual annual data for the world and India are shown for the
annual cumulative Sr-90 deposit and its rate of change with excess infant mortality
rate, for the period 1951 to 1999.
The main
The rate of
change for the World and for India are identical in shape. This indicates that
the events which shaped the world also affected India.
The correlations are statistically significant between
1951 to 1966 and even between 1966 to 1999 for the world but not for India.
However when we consider the annual running averages, the correlations are
highly significant for both the world and India. This shows that the persistent
variable significantly affecting the infant mortality rate has been the
worldwide cumulative Sr-90 deposit due to atmospheric nuclear tests during the
years 1950 to 1999. See Table CORR below. Note: EIMR denotes annual excess infant mortality rate.
How many infant deaths does Fukushima generate?
5.0 Conclusions.
How many infant deaths does Fukushima generate?
From the data given in the paper for
the period from 1966 to 1999 the excess Infant Mortality Rate(EIMR) for India
as a function of Annual Cumulative Sr-90 deposit (due to Atmospheric Nuclear
Tests worldwide) in PBq is given by
India EIMR/1000 live births= 0.112 x
World Cumulative annual Sr-90 Deposit in PBq.
The following Table FC shows the
The estimates in Table FC show that
all the Indian infants born in 2029 and thereafter will be dead due to Fukushima
radionuclide contamination when the Sr-90 deposit scenario follows the
Atmospheric nuclear test scenario 1945-1999.
Will the reader estimate how much
Fukushima will generate worldwide?
5.0 Conclusions.
A dramatic progressive deterioration of
the gene pool is demonstrated for the nuclear era 1945 onward when compared to
the years before.
6.0 References
1.UNSCEAR2000: Annex C: Exposures to the
Public from Man-Made Sources of Radiation: Table 7: Annual concentrations in air and deposition
amounts of Sr 90 produced in Atmospheric Nuclear Testing.
2. Population, Birth Rate, Infant
Mortality Rate data from
2.1 For the World: United Nations,
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2015). World
Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision, DVD Edition.
2.2 The sources for the infant mortality data for
India are 1) Office of the Registrar General, Sample Registration Bulletin,
Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi(Various issues); 2) Office of the Registrar
General, Registrar General’s Newsletter, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi(
Various issues);3) Tata Services Ltd., Department of Economics and
Statistics.1998. Statistical Outline of India 1998-99. Table 36, p46 and 4)
Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the
United Nations Secretariat, World Population Prospects: The 2004 Revision and
World Urbanization Prospects: The 2003 Revision,, 22
December 2005; 8:34:55 AM.2.3 The source for growth of population, birth rate and population is Tata Services Ltd., Department of Economics and Statistics.1998. Statistical Outline of India 1998-99. Tables 34,35, pp45-46.
5. Discussion in enenews on the topic:
Nice work and I knew India was getting drenched in Nuclear Poisons based on this World Circulation link.
So sad we have greedy "give it to me now" buffoons in charge.
The current created Jet Stream eddy drops/dumps most of the Nuclear Poison on India along with tons of other airborne pollutants.
All biological species are being harvested and humans are just one of them. Extermination of all species is progressing nicely and on schedule.
January 13, 2016 at 10:52 am
Thanks for both the links. I will use them: nicely collected info at one place. It is surprising that fat salaried humans are keeping crisis info close to their chests, if they are aware I mean. Blinded by cosiness they seem to veer off to sleep! They will also not be spared!
It is really sad that leaders are off the tangent. With Fuku and more! How can they do nothing?
5. Discussion in enenews on the topic:
Nice work and I knew India was getting drenched in Nuclear Poisons based on this World Circulation link.
So sad we have greedy "give it to me now" buffoons in charge.

The current created Jet Stream eddy drops/dumps most of the Nuclear Poison on India along with tons of other airborne pollutants.
All biological species are being harvested and humans are just one of them. Extermination of all species is progressing nicely and on schedule.
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January 13, 2016 at 10:52 am
Thanks for both the links. I will use them: nicely collected info at one place. It is surprising that fat salaried humans are keeping crisis info close to their chests, if they are aware I mean. Blinded by cosiness they seem to veer off to sleep! They will also not be spared!
It is really sad that leaders are off the tangent. With Fuku and more! How can they do nothing?
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